Beautiful Pools of Mudd

“I do…in sickness and in health, I do :)”.

An all too common phrase heard in churches all across the world on a daily basis. For most, or for me at least, I don’t even remember saying “in sickness and in health” only the ‘I do’ believe it or not. Nope honestly I can say that I do not remember much of my vows (I did not write my own), but what I do remember was looking into the most beautiful brown eyes I trust I have ever seen. Those will always be my favorite…her eyes.

Can there really be a perfect pair of pupils; eyes so breath-taking, so enchanting to bring warmth to the coldest of hearts.  Breaking it down what makes her eyes better than the brown eyes of my kid brother? Or the blue eyes of my 8th grade science teacher? I can you one thing, it is a piece of cake complementing a girl with blue eyes…’your eyes are as blue as the sky and just as beautiful’ a breeze. Even green eyes are more do-able….’I’ve never seen green eyes with such a sparkle as yours’, again child’s play. Brown is definitely a level ten in trying to find the right words to say. In my experience, the greatest writing I have composed always has tremendous detail. Painting a picture with words is something I have found to be incredibly interesting. That being said I find myself somewhat lost at how to describe such graceful eyes. Instead I will paint a different picture.

Cold feet. But a dampness to them that feel like I’ve been trudging in snow. A flutter in my chest; scares me at first but promptly turns to bliss. My head spinning, then focused at the same time. Fixated on her gaze. Her lips perk to smile, the flutter in my chest is now overwhelming. Subconsciously I smile back (I have a hideous smile FYI) and wait for her to say something splendid. Her normal response is “What?” which is stated in such a tone to provoke nothing but laughter from me. Her eyes become even more round, if possible, and me, of course unable to give away my thoughts answer, “Nothing dear”, we like to play haha.

Now here I am again lost at how to describe her eyes specially. Beautiful pools of mudd. Alluring, dazzling, and elegant do nothing to describe their charm. They are my beautiful pools of mudd.


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